
We aim at providing our customers in Germany with an even more comprehensive network of stores. Therefore, we are always looking for new sites and real estates for XXXLutz as well as Mömax furniture stores. This also applies to cities and regions we have already tapped into.

For developing new furniture stores, we are looking for…

  • plots
  • commercial real estates, dormant sites, and the like
  • existing commercial properties such as hardware stores, specialist retailers, and garden centres


Our criteria in terms of location are

  • sites in medium-sized or large cities or comparable catchments
  • easily visible locations, e.g. on trafficked main streets or well trafficked commercial locations


Our requirements in term of space…

  • plots starting from 6,000 m²
  • existing retail space or retail space which may be developed starting from 3,000 m²



Mr. Dirk Dietrich
Tel. 030-25549-252-903
Mail: expansion-deutschland@xxxlgroup.com

For taking over, for operating in partnership, for joint ventures, we are looking for furniture stores



Europe wide: takeover or joint venture
Mr. Harald Vuissa
Mail: vh@lutz.at


We treat all enquiries and offers in complete confidence.